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Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is Link Building ? Why it is very Important for an MBA Professionals in Global Recession

What is Link Building ? Why it is very Important for an MBA Professionals in Global Recession 

It's no secret Google uses links to measure the authority of web pages. If a web page attracts links from other pages Google's algorithm, 

the software it uses to rank pages and decide which page is number one for a search result, increases the importance of a page.

One of the most important factors that are going to determine where your website will actually rank on the search engines is undoubtedly a link 

building campaign. This can be explained as a "measure of how many quality inbound links are pointing in to a particular web site." Search engines 

favor this concept; an extensive link building campaign must be in place in order for well established placement.

The reason why links are important and a good indicator of search engine placement is quite simple. Link popularity can dramatically increase traffic 

to a particular web site. Not only will traffic be transferred from the linking website, but also Google Page rank which is the measure of importance of 

your website. This is rated between 0 and 10 the higher the Page Rank the stronger the website.

Linking to websites that are deemed spammy or irrelevant by search engines will certainly have a detrimental effect on future website rankings. 

It would also be safe to assume that you could see your website completely penalised or banished from certain search engines. Throughout any link 

building campaign that Ranking Solutions Ltd run for our clients, they can be assured only high quality relevant links will be added to their website. 

For our clients we have various link building methods like directory submissions, content writing and multiple social bookmark submissions etc. These 

are methods that boost your websites rankings. (These very same white hat SEO methods have been used for our website and we have now good 

positions for some popular keywords like "Website Marketing Company") We can help to provide legitimate back links

-Content marketing is undoubtedly one of the most powerful ways to attract attention and build links in the modern era, but by no means is it the only option, nor is it necessarily always the best choice. In fact, placing too much emphasis on content can actually distract from what we should be doing most: approaching the unique needs of each client and niche

 Internal Links

When a lot of people think of link building strategies they tend to always think about links that link back to their website. Which is fine, however it is integral that the way your own website links to other pages within your site, are structured logically and create content silo’s which ensures that new pages you create are crawled by Google and indexed correctly.

Manual Link Submission

Manual link submission is important when developing an effective link building strategy, especially, if you can use non-financial methods of persuasion. It involves manually navigating to relevant websites in your industry and finding a point of contact to request a link to your website. A good starting point is to search for your targeted terms and choose non-competitive websites to request a link from.

Mindlessly submitting your website to as many directories is not a good element of an effective link building strategy and it can be argued that it could even have harmful effects on search rankings. Unfortunately, I am very much in agreement with the idea that if the directory is free then it is not likely to be worth submitting your website to. There are, however, directories worth submitting your site to such as Yahoo and Dmoz

Linkbait and Viral Campaigns

Viral content, if done properly, can be a powerhouse in creating an effective link building strategy. It attracts links by other sites referencing the piece of code which provides the back links to your website. For example free code such as calendars etc that people like to embed on their websites can create links back to you! Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc increase the effectiveness of link viral campaigns, as if people like the piece it will be ‘retweeted’ ‘liked’ and discussed gaining more and more exposure.


My opinion is that whilst there is no doubt there are many ways to attract links to your site, some free, others paid for, the most effective way of building links is to prepare good, relevant content that people want to read. Content is king and if written well, it will appear on sites such as Digg, it will be retweeted and cause discussions amongst communities and social media channels. If content is written regularly and well, you can build a kind of social empire that people talk about and look forward to reading. Good ways of generating discussion could be, being slightly controversial, or playing devil’s advocate about a topic in your industry.

Always remember that building an effective link strategy takes time and is very much an ongoing process. If you dedicate the time to do things right there is no doubt you can succeed. Make link building fun, enjoy what you’re writing about and rather than it being a marketing chore, you can enjoy building links and driving your site up the search engine results 



It is very Important for an MBA Professionals in Global Recession 

1.Professional MBA  services are designed to increase the visibility of a website and facilitate in better traffic flow along with improved profit sales return at the time of.

2.MBAs  professionals take the help of various MBA tools and techniques like keywords analysis, link building, on-page, off-page MBA, directory submission etc. in order to increase your webpage ranking in search indexes.

3.A website can rely on a professional MBAservice to make choices that generate quality and relevant traffic.

4.Using the right set of keywords suggested by a professionalMBA service will work in attracting related traffic flow to a website.

5.Link building, another essential aspect of professional MBAs  services, can seriously increase the popularity of a website among the top search engines.these services from cost-effective and affordable MBA service.

With search engine updates and a transforming digital marketing climate the subject of linking seems to have become increasingly erroneous and confusing, leaving some small businesses and marketers wondering what tactics can legitimately provide positive, long-term goals for their search engine optimization efforts and which efforts are merely in vain. Understanding which tactics can have a negative effect on one’s site is one of the most important tools that can prevent business owners and managers from falls for less-than ideal marketing plans promoted.

Duplicate Content And Multiple Submissions

Content has always played an imperative role in search engine optimization and online marketing, offering visitors quality reads while answering questions and creating a sense of authority among competitors. Although quality, frequently updated content and ideas are an important part of SEO, submitting content to multiple sites can be equally detrimental to efforts by creating duplicate content across multiple sites, despite the fact that such content was created uniquely. Instead, good content is much more effective when it is simply unique to one place. Gaining links from such an article submission can often be more valuable than hundreds of poor quality links from the duplicate content that has been spread across the interwebs.

writing Content

Fresh, unique content is imperative. But what makes quality content a great part of any MBA plan is the authority that is associated with fresh ideas. In addition, new content shows visitors that a company or writer is a knowledgeable front-runner. By copying content and simply re-writing the ideas of others, the uniqueness that draws readers to consumer content, share and interact (all valuable parts of linking and MBAs  are longer there. Instead, visitors have seen such content and ideas before. There is nothing really that special about those kinds of ideas.

effective Guest Blog Posting

Long hailed a positive method of gaining links from quality websites, guest posting, when used incorrectly, can do little to improve search engine optimization and may actually hurt efforts. Quality guests posts that are meant to actually add to a website and make it better or share ideas and knowledge can be powerful. Guest blog posts, on the other hand, that are comprised for mere links are simply a waste of time.

 Power of Internal Links

Despite the importance of links from other authoritative websites, linking internally within one’s blog and website is a valuable aspect of link building and SEO that may often be overlooked. Using one’s own social media channels and community to share such internal links and content can be equally important.

 Link Building Expectations

Link building, more so no than ever, is a process that takes time and commitment. The fruits of link building efforts are not often seen on the short-term level, making patience and quality tactic important. Falling for options and tactics that promise improvement and ranking from link building over night may be a recipe for disaster that can have serious repercussions for a business and website over the long-term

Sukesha Mishra
 Marketing Trannie at AeroSoft

Pl Like this is the latest website to be awarded with the 'Top Content' award: Airplane, airplane for sale, airplane video, first airplane, airplane history paper airplane, airplane lyrics,
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Cover for 'Pilot’s  Career  Guide'
By Shekhar Gupta
Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: July 13, 2013 
Words: 26,240 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301650040

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