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Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is Productivity ? Why it is very Important for MBA Professionals in Global Recession ?

 What is Productivity ? Why it is very Important for MBA Professionals in Global Recession ?

Productivity is an average measure of the efficiency of production. Productivity is a ratio of production output to what is required to produce it 

(inputs of capital, labor, land, energy, materials, etc.). The measure of productivity is defined as a total output per one unit of a total input. We see that as a 

measure of the average productivity is often difficult to interpret correctly.It is advisable to examine any phenomenon whatsoever only after defining the entity the 

phenomenon under review forms part of. Hence, productivity cannot be examined as a phenomenon independently but it is necessary to identify the entity it 

belongs to. Such an entity is defined as production process and its ability to generate incomes.

The benefits of high productivity are manifold. At the national level, productivity growth raises living standards because more real income improves people's 

ability to purchase goods and services, enjoy leisure, improve housing and education and contribute to social and environmental programs. Productivity growth 

is important to the firm because more real income means that the firm can meet its (perhaps growing) obligations to customers, suppliers, workers, shareholders, 

and governments (taxes and regulation), and still remain competitive or even improve its competitiveness in the market place.

In order to obtain a measurable form of productivity, operationalization of the concept is necessary. In explaining and operationalizing a set of production models 

are used. A production model is a numerical expression of the production process that is based on production data, i.e. measured data in the form of prices and 

quantities of inputs and outputs.

Web development has blossomed into a full-profit enterprise over the past two decades with the rise and continued rapid growth of the internet. Getting 

information out there as quickly as possible, attracting viewership and clients, and doing it more creatively and efficiently than the competition has turned into a 

big money maker throughout the global economy. Given the fast-paced nature of the business and the ever changing economic climate, web development is 

definitely a higher stress job than most. Being able to deliver a stellar product on a budget and within the tight constraints is a continual challenge for the successful 

web developer.

Most of the web developers and web designers always want to use best productivity tools in any online applications or web applications. What is meant by 

productivity tools? Why it is important for web developers and web designers? Actually productivity tools are one kind of application tools which are generally 

used by webmasters, web developers, web designers and web expert users. It not only save your important time, but also increase their work output. With the 

help of these great and amazing productive tools you can reduce project workload as well as utilized your saved time for some other productive purposes. 

Productivity tools are more useful in that situation when limited amount of time or deadline is provided for any applications or web project. 


Here we have compiled lists of top best productivity tools that increase their work output, enhance your productivity, reduce your workload and save 

your important time.

Productivity is the ratio of output to inputs in production; it is a measure of the efficiency of production.

Productivity has many benefits. At the national level, productivity growth raises living standards because more real income improves people's ability to purchase goods and services, enjoy leisure, improve housing and education and contribute to social and environmental programs. Productivity growth is important to the firm because more real income means that the firm can meet its (perhaps growing) obligations to customers, suppliers, workers, shareholders, and governments (taxes and regulation), and still remain competitive or even improve its competitiveness in the market place.

Productivity is the combination of intelligent planning and focused efforts.  Staying productive at work or at home can be a challenge. Every time the work day ends, odds are that you are not satisfied with what you have accomplished.  Productivity can be continuously improved, but here are some pointers that have really worked for me.

Productivity is very Important for MBA Professionals in Global Recession 

-Seek help / Delegate tasks accordingly

Everybody needs help the time of  Global Recession and should never take on large tasks alone.  Two of the biggest barriers for getting help is trust and introversion.

In order to get help from others, you need to trust your colleagues in helping you complete work Global Recession  at the.  If you tell your colleague what the deadline is for the project, then they will likely take it very seriously.  Make sure to give your colleague all of the resources that he or she needs such as relevant documents or spreadsheets in order to reach the best deliverable.

People are not going to volunteer in helping out so you have to feel comfortable about asking for help.  If you are too introverted to ask for help, then you will most likely be doing tasks on your own.  You may also end up becoming somebody else’s work-horse because you are too shy to speak up.

- Do not get sucked into unnecessary meetings

 Global Recession Time is the most important currency in MBAs life.  While it may be tempting to meet with as many people for the benefit of networking, the time you get at your desk is extremely valuable.  Knowing what meetings to refuse is very important.

If your manager wants to have a one-on-one meeting, then it is obviously very important.  However, attending a meeting about whether to use a Times New Roman or Georgia font at the weekly newsletter design subcommittee get-together may not be worth your time.

In my line of work, I get requests for meetings all the time.  This is why I have started to designate two days out of the week for meetings and the rest of the time to focus on my core tasks.

According to Schaffer Consulting managing partner Ron Ashkenas, the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline realized that so much of their time was being wasted on unnecessary meetings.  People were spending just as much time in meetings as they were on actual drug development.  This is why the company adapted a “fit for purpose” meeting process where only the people that are directly involved in a phase of the project would attend the meetings.  Parties that are interested in what happened during the meeting would receive notes with the most important details.

 Create to-do lists

In your life, there are tasks that are simple and ones that are complex. My preference is to go after the easy ones first and then tackle the complicated ones after.  To stay on top of tasks, I create to-do lists and track them using Google Tasks.  Since Google Tasks sync with Gmail, Google Calendar, and the Google mobile app, it makes it easier to refer to them while on-the-go.

If some of the tasks are larger, then break them into multiple smaller tasks. For example, if you need to put together a white paper, you should make it a point to complete 2-3 pages per day rather than trying to put together one large document on the day before it is due.

Putting a timer on these tasks is worth considering so that you do not lose focus on other items on your to-do list.  Sometimes I focus too much on one task while another one gets neglected. Before I know it, the deadline for the other task arrives and I am not ready for it.

One of the most satisfying aspects of creating a to-do list is crossing off things when they are done.  It gives you a sense of accomplishment and gives you a visualization of progress.  When going through an annual review, the tasks that you have crossed off can be a great talking point for what you have accomplished.


Productivity is important because it allows the business to be more cost effective even at the time of recession. The more output a business has for a specific cause, the cheaper it is to produce the product. This in turn allows the business to have a higher profit.

Productivity on the part of HR is important because getting your job done will help the company's growth.

Targeting huge number of crowd and getting nothing out of it will always result in demotivation and wastage of time. If the good employees are recruited, company grows and progresses, profits will increase. If profits in the company increase, not only will the bosses be happier but they will hire more people and give raises to those doing a good job and increase benefits for them. If employees are share holders in the company they will win even more benefits since their shares will be worth more and they will have a nice nest egg when they retire. Productivity is good for everyone and important for a company's survival.

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Cover for 'Pilot’s  Career  Guide'
By Shekhar Gupta
Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: July 13, 2013 
Words: 26,240 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301650040

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